Saturday, January 29, 2011

2nd Learning Log:Strange Encounter.

In most stories,characters saw strange and suspicious old man or woman telling he or her their future.But in my life,I did not meet one,I dream of one.And here is how my dream goes...
In my dream,a future me is telling me that someday,you will meet someone who will change you forever.And you will change other people forever just like that 'someone'.And the dream ended.
When i woke up,of course I felt that that particular dream is just like other dreams,a fantasy.However on that day I suddenly felt better,like I was changed.I am usually very moody,do not reply people,do not talk to people,rarely has friends and such.But that day,i felt extremely cheerful and social.I talk to my classmates and school and cracked jokes to them.I felt extremely happy,and I realised friends and family is important in my life,I could not just rely in myself.I need to have friends,true friends and awesome relatives.Instantly,I thought back to my dream.The future me told the present me that someone is going to change me forever.And that someone,is myself.I start to think that this is weird.

So I guess that this is my strange and special encounter.Just like you said,teacher,thinking is very powerful.I myself believed in the connections between the past,present and the future.Everything is linked together.You are a great Lit teacher =)The best that I have ever have. =D

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My CinquainXD

Love Nature and a very peaceful person.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

So this is my Lit blog~
Yeah,rant it.I know its kind of suckish but unfortunately,I am not really interested in blogging...Its boring @_@