Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Funeral.

Firstly. The advertisement, Funeral, shows a mixed race couple. The reason why a mixed race couple was "used" because it would impact us more and show us how the couple accepted each other differences in terms of culture and racial. It also shows how they adapted to the differences.

Secondly, the reason why bad traits was used is to capture the attention of the viewers. Viewers might be bored of always hearing the good stuff and is not really interested. However, bad traits are unusual and thus, we are more keen to hear the speaker and thus, an attention to the viewer is developed.

I feel that this advertisement only partially effective to promote family value. This is because it doesn't really show how family life is important and only shows how the mother hugging the student out of love. However I can say that it is a really touching advertisement that touched me. I really enjoy their mixed race relationship and their bonds and love.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My favourite character.

My favourite character is Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Firstly, lets introduce the background of the story.

The Hunger Games takes place in an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America, in a nation known as Panem. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts. District 12, where the book begins, is located in the coal-rich region that was formerly Appalachia.

As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol, every year, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected at random and forced to participate in the Hunger Games: a televised event in which the participants, or "tributes," must fight to the death in a dangerous, outdoor arena, controlled by the Capitol, until only one remains.

Peeta and Katniss, were choosen for this year Hunger Games. They worked together and went through many hardships filled with dangerous,cunning and desparate choosen children from other districts.

The reason why I like Peeta as my favourite character is because he is selfless and always put his love ones over him. For example, Peeta,in order to save Katniss, planned ahead to work with other teens from other different districts to act as a spy in order to protect Katniss from harms. Peeta is also very wise. He is skilled in camoflaging which safed his life countless of times. When he is outnumbered he would use his self defense skills to take down 1 or 2 enemies, and proceed to escape in order to save himself.

I observed that Peeta always plan ahead of whatever he does. He is always passive and calm. In a fight, he would always observed his opponents actions and moving patterns. His belief is to always be grateful.

I feel that Peeta and I are similiar at how we does things. We always think and plan before doing anything. We are also very passive and calm. However, Peeta and I are difference in how selfless we can be. I do not think that I could sacrifice myself to save the one i love a lot.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reflection on Unseen Poetry

About unseen poems, i find it mysterious and difficult to understand. Unseen poetry usually have many difference themes and once we found out the theme example love, it would be quite easy to answer the questions. Also, understanding the meaning of each lines or stanzas of a poem is rather important to answer the question. I feel that i need more practices on Unseen poetry. Unseen poetry is also interesting as we uses our five senses,plus emotion to feel and think of the poetries. Also, unseen poetry is about answering questions,as if we are in the world of that particular poetry.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reflection on Romeo and Juliet

Firstly, Romeo and Juliet is something new to me. When i got my groupings, i knew that the whole project would be a total failure as i knew we could not co-operate. However, after a few weeks, i realised that our group is actually doing really well and i am starting to show more enthusiam to Romeo and Juliet meetings. Being Romeo is pretty difficult due to the number of lines to memorize. However i am proud to say that i finished memorizing the lines is on my way to find my lower half costume. Now, 3 months past and my group were quite ready for the performance. Props(Check), Clothes(Check),lines(check). Im ready for this =)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Macbeth is about how the great captain,Macbeth, went to defeat two large army with only half of the two army sizes. Upon returning home from victory, he heard a prophecy stating that once he return. he would be Thane Of Cawdor and in future in would be king. So terrified by this news, he went to kill King Ducan by spiking his drink.
He than became the king. Banquo children then killed Macbeth and he became the king.
My favourtie character is Macbeth. Because he is very brave and courageous.He is loyal too.But his temptation on power let him to his downfall.

From Macbeth, I learnt how to trust,be loyal and not to be overcome by power.In other words, not to be too focused on what you doing. As you would miss out important factors.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In Macbeth Act 1 Scene 2,King Ducan met with the Captain.
The Captain told the King about the details of the war.Telling how Macdonwald started a rebel, and the Norwegian Lord using this oppunity to start a war with King Ducan. However this does not made Macbeth worried.Eventually, the Norwegian Lord lost and wanted to sign a treaty. Demanding to bury their soldier by paying $10000. King Ducan refuse.Then,they found out that the Thawn of Cawdor betray King Ducan and he will be executed. Macbeth then obtained the new title.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2nd Learning Log:Strange Encounter.

In most stories,characters saw strange and suspicious old man or woman telling he or her their future.But in my life,I did not meet one,I dream of one.And here is how my dream goes...
In my dream,a future me is telling me that someday,you will meet someone who will change you forever.And you will change other people forever just like that 'someone'.And the dream ended.
When i woke up,of course I felt that that particular dream is just like other dreams,a fantasy.However on that day I suddenly felt better,like I was changed.I am usually very moody,do not reply people,do not talk to people,rarely has friends and such.But that day,i felt extremely cheerful and social.I talk to my classmates and school and cracked jokes to them.I felt extremely happy,and I realised friends and family is important in my life,I could not just rely in myself.I need to have friends,true friends and awesome relatives.Instantly,I thought back to my dream.The future me told the present me that someone is going to change me forever.And that someone,is myself.I start to think that this is weird.

So I guess that this is my strange and special encounter.Just like you said,teacher,thinking is very powerful.I myself believed in the connections between the past,present and the future.Everything is linked together.You are a great Lit teacher =)The best that I have ever have. =D